System 4WEB Qguar

Access to central resources maintained in Qguar systems from the level of an Internet browser.


It is becoming indispensable to get access to a system’s central resources via a web browser. Qguar 4WEB is a tool designed to carry out a specific set of activities by means of a web browser. It offers, among others, a remote preview of specific states, remote order placement and the creation of balance sheets based on warehousing documentation. Qguar 4WEB is also a set of pre-defined tools that enable the client – once the specific requirements are taken into consideration – to make a specified set of data (that can be collected from Qguar systems) available via a web browser. All data in the form of lists can be exported to an MS Excel spreadsheet.

Examples of screens

Contact Form

The company under the style of Quantum Qguar sp. z o.o. (hereinafter "Quantum") with the registered offices in Kraków at the address: ul. Walerego Sławka 3a, 30 - 633 Kraków, Poland, is the administrator of personal data.

I have been informed about the right to demand access to my data, to modify and delete them and to limit the scope of their processing. The Administrator processes data in compliance with the Privacy Policy.