Quantum Qguar is an entity within the Quantum software S.A. capital group, established to carry out activities related to the Qguar software package.
the dominant entity in the Group. When Quantum Qguar Sp. z o.o. was established to take care of the main business, Quantum software S.A. became primarily focused on holding-related activities.
Subsidiary companies:
a subsidiary company within the Group, in which Quantum software S.A. owns 100% of the shares. The company focuses on activities related to the Qguar software package.
a subsidiary company within the Group, in which Quantum Qguar sp. z o. o. owns 63.74% of the shares (it has the character of a holding).
a subsidiary company within the Group, in which Quantum Est Sp. z o.o. owns 100% of the shares. Its activity is based on selling and implementing IT solutions offered by Quantum software S.A. in Russian-speaking countries.
a subsidiary company within the Group, in which Quantum Qguar sp. z o. o. owns 100% of the shares. The company focuses on selling licenses, hardware and IT services that are not directly related to proprietary products of Quantum software S.A.
a subsidiary company within the Group, in which Quantum I-Services Sp. z o. o. owns 75% of the shares. The company focuses on creating and selling IT solutions designed for mobile equipment.